Scientific studies have found that after crying, people actually do feel better, both physically and physiologically—and they feel worse by suppressing their tears.
Where Do Tears Come From?
Tears are produced by tear glands, which are small glands inside your upper eyelid. Tears keep the surface of your eyeball clean and moist, and help protect your eye from damage.
When you blink, your eyelids spread the tears over the surface of the eye. Sometimes tears flow over your lower eyelid, but mostly the tears flow down a tiny tube at the edge of your lower eyelid, next to your nose – if you look very carefully you can see a tiny dot that is the beginning of this tube. This tube carries the tears to the back of your nose (and this is why your nose ‘runs’ when you cry!)
Why Do We Cry?
Many reasons cause us to cry:
- We are sad or hearing about something sad
- We are afraid
- We feel hurt or pain
- We feel really angry
- We watch a sad movie or listen to a sad music
- We think that we have done something wrong or something bad
- We feel lonely
- We lose or win a game
- Someone we love has died or left our lives
- We are happy
- We laugh until we cry
- and many other reasons.
Crying Is Good For Our Health
If you feel really bad, angry and stress, then crying can reduce your bad feelings. The simple act of crying also reduces the body’s manganese level, a mineral which affects mood and is found in up to 30 times greater concentration in tears than in blood serum. They also found that emotional tears contain 24 per cent higher albumin protein concentration than tears caused by eye irritants.
Chemicals produced by the body during stress are removed by tears, and this can lowered the stress. These include the endorphin leucine-enkephalin, which helps to control pain, and prolactin, a hormone which regulates milk production in mammals.
We also cry while cutting onion. Onion releases chemical which turn into sulfuric acid and it can damage your eyes. So, to protect your eyes, tears dissolve this chemical when it has contacted with your eye surface. Your tears fall and bring the toxic away.
So, if you have no reason to cry, you can watch sad movie, laugh until you cry or find other reason. Because beside to reduce the stress and pain, we also need to cry to keep our eye healthy.